| Message from the Executive Director Dear Friend, I hope you’ve been able to slow down and enjoy this bittersweet transition into a new season. Although precautions are still in place to keep all of us safe, I hope that this summer you had an opportunity to safely reconnect with your community and loved ones. I’m looking forward to catching up with many of you at our upcoming Evening of Impact on October 27, 6-9 PM at Galleria Marchetti, or virtually from your own home. Evening of Impact is our largest fundraiser of the year and this year more than ever we need our supporters to show up for survivors in any way they can. We hope you can attend, donate, or spread the word about the event! For those attending in person, we require guests to be fully vaccinated. It is sure to be an evening of fun and celebration at the gorgeous Galleria Marchetti both outside (weather permitting) and in their tented pavilion. Thank you to our Evening of Impact Co-Chairs and Host Committee for planning a wonderful evening for us. More details about Evening of Impact can be found below. We have much to look forward to in the coming months. Today I send you my deepest gratitude for your commitment to Resilience during an unpredictable year. Our work isn’t possible without our community of supporters, staff, volunteers, community partners, Board of Directors, Associate Board, and many more. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of survivors. With Appreciation, | |  | Erin Walton Executive Director Resilience | | | | | |  | Join us for Evening of Impact 2021! Don't miss Resilience's biggest and most celebrated event of the year, our annual Evening of Impact! Join us on Wednesday, October 27 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Galleria Marchetti. This hybrid event will give guests the choice to attend either in person or virtually. We're honored to recognize Jean Cozier as this year's Visionary Award Winner and to welcome Dr. Candice Norcott as our Keynote Speaker. Proceeds of Evening of Impact go towards providing our services, which are 100% free for survivors and their loved ones. We hope you'll be there for an incredible evening of celebration and support on October 27! Learn more about becoming a sponsor of the Evening of Impact here and click below to purchase your Evening of Impact tickets or sponsorship. | | | | Meet Kim Garvey, Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator This year, we’re continuing to celebrate the people who make #OurResilience possible and telling the stories of some of our incredible clients, staff, volunteers, and supporters. It is more important now more than ever to embrace and celebrate what connects us: our resilience. This month, we're proudly shining a spotlight on Kim Garvey. Kim is Resilience's Advocacy Volunteer Coordinator. Read our interview with Kim below. | |  | | | Sliding scale prices are now available for specialized trainings! The Resilience Training Institute now offers sliding scale pricing on our specialized trainings! What does that mean exactly? The price to register is determined by your income level or student status. Resilience knows that trainings are expensive and budgets are limited and we are committed to making our offerings more equitable, accessible, and inclusive. We hope you can join us! | |  | | | Stronger Protections for Survivors in Court In 2020 it was revealed that court records containing sensitive information, such as full names, phone numbers, and addresses of survivors as young as 5 were found visible to the public. An already existing state law was meant to keep those personal details private, but it had been violated repeatedly. The discovery led to a law that created stronger privacy protections in court for child survivors this year and Resilience was there, advocating for survivors. Sarah Layden, Resilience's Director of Programs and Public Policy, aided CBS 2 in an investigative report on sexual assault in 2019 that led to this discovery. Through their search, CBS 2 looked through hundreds of sexual assault cases in an effort to report on how the criminal justice system had failed survivors. They uncovered numerous cases involving child victims, whose names weren’t protected in court records as required by Illinois law. After a number of attempts to rectify this issue at the local level, they began to work with lawmakers on improving these protections and amending the law that ensures privacy protections for child abuse victims. "For there to be certain assurances in place that are being ignored, I think about the further harm that is being caused by institutional responses, or lack thereof, to sex crimes,” Layden explained. The momentum from this discovery also created new protections for adult survivors. Both measures were signed into law and will become effective on January 1, 2022. Thank you to the survivors who shared their original experiences in 2019 in the pursuit of justice and to Sarah Layden and everyone who worked tirelessly to provide protection to survivors in Illinois and beyond. | | | | Become a Volunteer Medical Advocate | |  | Are you interested in becoming a Volunteer Medical Advocate with Resilience? Volunteer medical advocates complete 60 hours of virtual training before signing up to be on-call to hospitals throughout the Chicago area. Resilience relies on volunteers to be able to ensure survivors are supported in hospitals all over the city. Our next volunteer training begins on October 18. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The deadline to apply for the Fall 2021 training is today, September 22. Know someone who might be interested? Forward this email to them! | | | Congratulations to the newest class of 17 volunteer advocates who graduated from their 60-hour training last month. Resilience is so grateful for your work and dedication! | | | Dipak Patel’s Chicago Marathon Resilience Fundraiser Resilience is honored to have Dipak Patel running the Bank of America Chicago Marathon and raising funds for Resilience! With the marathon less than a month away on October 10, we hope you'll consider donating to Dipak's personal fundraising page below. Thank you, Dipak, for fundraising for Resilience and for supporting survivors! To hear Dipak’s story and make a donation, please click here. | |  | | | |  | Open Art Studio Virtual Group When: Tuesdays, September 7 - October 12, from 5 pm - 7 pm, via Zoom Take care of yourself and connect with others by dropping into the Open Art Studio. This 6-week virtual series is open to adult survivors of sexual violence 18+, all genders welcome. Bring your creative ideas, share your progress on an ongoing art piece, start a new project, or take a pause. Self-directed artwork is encouraged with prompts and support provided upon request. Survivors are welcome to join the open studio for one session or all sessions, for the full two-hour studio time or partial time, as your schedule allows. Interested participants may contact Annalise Castro at acastro@ourresilience.org to receive the meeting link. | | |  | Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence in Higher Education When: Friday, November 5, 10 am - 1:30 pm, via Zoom This Zoom training will provide an in-depth look at identifying and understanding sexual and intimate partner violence, stalking, and domestic violence. Participants will explore the impact of trauma and trauma responses, as well as legal and medical options for survivors. Learn more and register below. | | | Virtual 40-Hour Sexual Assault Crisis Intervention Training When: November 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, and 11, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm via Zoom Participants will obtain foundational knowledge on sexual violence and rape culture. This training will provide an in-depth examination of how sexual violence impacts individuals, communities, and broader society. LCPC and LCSW CEUs are available. Learn more and register below. | | | Questions about these trainings, or the Resilience Training Institute? Contact Candice Tindell, Training and Outreach Manager at ctindell@ourresilience.org. | | | Checked Out Our Website Lately? This fiscal year, Resilience is dedicated to creating a more streamlined, user-friendly experience on our website. This includes a number of enhancements and updates which will be rolled out over the course of the year. We are thrilled to announce our first update: an overhaul of the News & Events page. This introduces an event-specific event calendar listing so you can easily see what events are planned, including any featured events. This also creates a cleaner news experience. We hope you will find the News & Events page even more helpful and useful. The second enhancement we have rolled out is a calendar on the Resilience Training Institute page. This will let you view a month-by-month calendar of RTI events and trainings and includes a function to mouse-over events for more information. Thank you to you, our community, for your feedback about the website in the past. Our goal is to make the website as user-friendly as possible, and we are confident that these two enhancements, and the other enhancements to come, will do just that. If you have any questions about the Resilience website, please contact Miranda Ehmke at mehmke@ourresilience.org. | | | | We're Hiring! Resilience is looking for new talent to join our ranks in support of survivors of sexual violence. The following positions are currently open: To learn more about careers at Resilience, please click here. | | | | | | Resilience 180 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 600 | Chicago, Illinois 60601 312-443-9603 | info@ourresilience.org | | | | | | | | |